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The Last Blacksmith

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The Last Blacksmith last won the day on September 19 2023

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  2. The scene opens in a dark room. Only a man can be glimpsed, sitting on a chair and with a desk in front of him, illuminated by a lamp placed on it. The camera starts behind the figure in the center of the room, then turns around it and frames its face. It's The Last Blacksmith. TLB: Rusty, Rusty, Rusty TLB:or Pierre.. TLB: I hope you don't mind if I decide to make it personal, but see what I'm about to tell you now, it's as if a friend of yours was telling you. A brother. TLB: Here, consider me your brother. TLB: See, I'm not mad at you. TLB: I understand that your time isn't the best. You just lost a title to a rookie.. TLB: And yes, it's true. you landed B17, but let's be clear. We're talking about a cardboard cutout compared to what it once he was. TLB: So I understand your desire for revenge. your desire to demonstrate. And I respect it. Truly. TLB: But you see, Pierre, what you don't understand is that you're walking into something you can't face. And you're doing it led by ignorance. TLB:Look what happened to Solomon Caine. Or Iceman. Or Hito Gui. Or Harvey Hamilton Ocean... TLB: Your Friend, Quartz... TLB: All those who have undertaken this path have had indelible signs. Signs that nothing can erase. TLB: Now my friend, as I told you, once you take this path. There's no going back. There is no protection, there is no narrative. You are without armor, naked, defenseless. TLB: If you decide to take this path, it won't just be a match. But you will enter my kingdom. In a realm of suffering, and violence. TLB: I know you think you are a pillar of this generation. But believe me, it won't take much, a small earthquake to shatter you. TLB: So I ask you, as a person who doesn't want this, you have to believe me. Don't go this route. TLB: Because you can't beat me... Blacksmith smiles mischievously TLB: réfléchis-y mon ami...
  3. Riot 531, 05/08/2019 The scene takes place in the locker room, where Blacksmith has just returned after officially challenging Kassidy Hayes for a match at Wrestlution XIII ???: You do know Kassidy Hayes retired right? And above all that you are a rookie who arrived a few months ago? a familiar voice rings in the room TLBS: I just wanted to have some fun. And you didn't enjoy yourself? Tom: Well I can tell you who didn't enjoy it. The management. Tom: If you don't control your behavior, I seriously doubt you'll be here for long. Or at least that you will remain intact. TLBS: That's what our teacher used to tell me too. Remember? Tom: Yea, indeed. Listen, next friday you will face Solomon Caine at Turmoil 229. Instead of thinking about impossible matches, focus on this one. And maybe you can come back to compete for the international title. A title you don't have because you couldn't even get your opponent off the ropes. TLBS: Solomon Caine? Who is he? Tom: A newcomer. His way of doing has already brought a large portion of the public to his side. He has never won yet, but be careful. The boy is talented and above all he has a sick mind. Like yours. Blacksmith gives a hint of a smile as he is intent on packing his stuff to leave the arena. TLBS: He has never won. And should I think his first win has to come with me? Come on.. it will be an easy practice. I have other things to do than focus on Solomon Caine. I deserve more. And in regards to impossible matches, I'm going to get Kass into that ring one way or another. And then I'll go get the world title. TLBS: Screw Solomon Caine. He won't never be a problem... Blacksmith takes his bag to leave the locker room, and with a confident smile on his face he nods to greet Tom. TURMOIL 229 : SOLOMON CAINE BEATS BLACKSMITH and gains his first win in OCW
  4. The scene takes place in a doctor's office. Blacksmith: What do you mean you are not going to clear me to compete at lution? Are you out of your mind? Doctor: Mr Matteo. I remind you that no more than four months ago you risked being paralyzed following a car accident. Competing now would be a risk. A risk I'm not about to let you take, sorry. Blacksmith: And why? The values ​​are good, I feel good... what happened is behind us... Doctor: Listen.. Blacksmith: LISTEN THIS ASS! Blacksmith bangs his fists on the table Blacksmith: Already four months ago, for the umpteenth time, I was stopped from becoming champion, and taking part in a triple threat match with two of the biggest superstars this fucking federation has to offer. Blacksmith: And now that I have the opportunity to kick Quartz'ass on the biggest stage of the year, you do want to stop me? Blacksmith: I'm tired of being blocked. I didn't stop after hellish matches, where I landed on burning tables, hit by every tool imaginable, kendo sticks, steel chairs, and even aluminum barrels. Blacksmith: I didn't stop when Hito or Solomon Caine tried to put me in a wheelchair. And I won't even now. Blacksmith: Is that clear? Doctor: Clear. But then I have to ask you to sign this... Blacksmith: What is this? Doctor: A self-certification. Where you declare that you were aware of the risks and that everything that happens will be your responsibility.Sign this, and I will authorize you to enter the ring. Blacksmith signs the certification sheet and walks to the door to leave. Doctor: Good luck Blacksmith. I hope everything goes well for you. Blacksmith: it always goes well...
  5. In the midst of darkness, a storm doth rise, A tempest fierce, with wrathful cries, But lo, amidst the chaos, a flame burns bright, Defiant, unwavering, a beacon of light. The storm may rage with all its might, With thunderous roars and bolts of fright, But the fire persists, its warmth prevails, Undeterred by the tempest's fierce gales. With crackling embers, it dances and gleams, Casting shadows of hope in the darkest of dreams, For the fire knows not the meaning of fear, It defies the storm, remaining ever-clear. The rain may pour, drenching the land, But the fire's spirit refuses to be banned, It licks the drops, its flames reaching higher, Unyielding, unquenchable, a passionate fire. The wind may howl, attempting to smother, But the fire resists, its spirit like no other, It flickers and flares, consuming the night, Bathing the storm in a radiant light. Though lightning may strike, in a dazzling display, The fire's strength never falters, come what may, It burns with purpose, a force to admire, A testament to resilience, burning brighter and higher. For the storm may rage, with all its might, But the fire's spirit shall forever ignite, Unyielding, unquenchable, in its desire, A flame that the storm can never acquire. So let the storm howl, let the tempest seethe, The fire remains steadfast, it will never leave, For within its essence, a truth rings true, That even the mightiest storm cannot extinguish you.
  6. The scene opens in a darkened room. Blacksmith's face is illuminated by a light, coming from the other, which illuminates only his face Blacksmith: "Chris Greene. Your time is over. Enjoy the last moments while you can". Blacksmith: Good Road 2 Glory to everyone...
  7. this sounds more fake than when I promised to face Kass in UFC.
  8. The scene opens in a room semi-lit by a small lamp resting on a table in the centre. Leaning on this table, with his back to the camera, it is possible to recognize The Last Blacksmith. In the background, the song "Do I Wanna Know?" by the Arctic Monkeys can be heard playing. Over the opening featuring drums, Blacksmith turns towards the camera, still leaning on the table, but no longer on his elbows, but with his back. Blacksmith: And so, we have a deal. Blacksmith: Riot 600. Quartz, Wrex and Blacksmith... Blacksmith: You know, well I've said it many times. The first match I saw, and which brought me here, was a Triple Threat for the title... Blacksmith: Kassidy Hayes vs H2O vs Sensational Spider... Summercide 2019... Blacksmith: The dear and already so distant 2019... Blacksmith: I've long dreamed of a match like this... and finally here it is. Blacksmith: Two authentic giants of this federation. The favourites. Sure to take the title home. Blacksmith: And then the one who will take away the jam from under their nose .. Blacksmith: Can you imagine the POP? Pure adrenaline. Because let's be honest. This is what the people want. Blacksmith: Quartz, Wrex. I hope you are prepared for what awaits you in that ring. Because a storm will break upon you. Blacksmith: Because for this misfit, this will be the match of his career so far... Blacksmith: And he won't stop, until you're both on the ground. AND HE WON'T STOP, UNTIL HE WILL HAVE THE TITLE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS HANDS! Blacksmith:At this point do I wanna know... Blacksmith walks over to the radio and turns it up. *Do I WANNA KNOW IF THIS FEELIN' FLOWS BOTH WAYS....* The scene fades....
  9. The scene opens in a television studio, surrounded by darkness. The only objects not covered by darkness are two chairs, placed in the center of the scene, illuminated by a white light coming from above. On a chair, you can see Antonio Miletta, presenter of the Italian wrestling program "Wrestling Magazine". Opposite him, occupying the other chair, is the Italian wrestler The Last Blacksmith. Antonio Miletta: Appassionati di Wrestling italiani, benvenuti. Questa è una trasmissione che andrà in diretta il 26/02/2023, il giorno dopo il 18o anniversario della nostra amata OCW. Antonio Miletta: Italian Wrestling fans, welcome. This is a broadcast that will going live on 2/26/2023, the day after our beloved OCW's 18th anniversary. Antonio Miletta: Come potete vedere, siamo qui con il nostro rappresentante in OCW. Il carnivoro The Last Blacksmith. Antonio Miletta: As you can see, we are here with our representative in OCW. The carnivore The Last Blacksmith. Blacksmith nods with the head Antonio Miletta: E' un onore averti qui con me oggi. Ma veniamo subito al punto. Sei qui per lasciare un messaggio che verrà pubblicato, come tua richiesta, il giorno dopo il PPV dell'anniversario. A questo punto, la mia curiosità è, chi sarà il destinatario? Forse Chris Green, colui che ti ha sfidato poche settimane fa a Turmoil? Antonio Miletta: It is an honor to have you here with me today. But let's get straight to the point. You are here to leave a message which will be published, as per your request, the day after the Anniversary PPV. At this point, my curiosity is, who will be the recipient? Maybe Chris Green, the one who challenged you a few weeks ago in Turmoil? Blacksmith: Vedi Antonio... ti dirò sinceramente quello che penso di Chris Green. Chris Green è come un cane che rincorre le macchine...non fa nulla con senno... Blacksmith: See Antonio... I'll honestly tell you what I think of Chris Green. Chris Green is like a dog that chases cars...he doesn't do anything sane... Blacksmith: Ha un padrone, che è Kassidy Hayes, che a quanto pare non è riuscito ad educarlo bene. Ora, non ho intenzione di stare appresso ad un cane, Antonio. Quindi l'unica cosà che farò per quanto riguarda Green, sarà lanciargli una palla, far finta di dargli retta, e farlo divertire un po'. Ma non ho intenzione di perdere tempo con lui... miro ad altri obiettivi. Blacksmith: He has a master, who is Kassidy Hayes, who apparently failed to educate him well. Now, I'm not going to be around a dog, Antonio. So the only thing I'm going to do as far as Green is concerned is throw him a ball, pretend to listen to him, and give him some fun. But I'm not going to waste time with him... I aim for other goals. Antonio Miletta: allora sono curioso. Qual è il tuo obiettivo Blacksmith? Antonio Miletta: Now I'm curious. What is your goal Blacksmith? Blacksmith: Come ho sempre detto, il mio obiettivo non è essere il migliore. Ma essere in grado di batterlo... Blacksmith: As I've always said, my goal is not to be the best. But being able to beat him… Blacksmith: Precedo la tua domanda. Sicuramente mi vorrai chiedere "BLACKSMITH chi pensi sia il migliore e quindi chi è il tuo obiettivo" Blacksmith: I precede your question. Surely you want to ask me "BLACKSMITH who do you think is the best and therefore who is your goal" Blacksmith: Questa è una domanda difficile Antonio. Sai non tutti usano gli stessi parametri per indicare il migliore. C'è chi pensa sia riguardo le "INNES CAPACITè", doti innate come dicono i francesi. C'è chi pensa sia chi usa meglio l'INTELLETTO. Blacksmith: This is a difficult question Antonio. You know not everyone uses the same parameters to indicate the best. There are those who think it's about "INNES capacitè", like French use to say. There are those who think it's who uses the INTELLECT in best way. Blacksmith: Sono stato abbastanza chiaro? Blacksmith: Was I clear enough? Antonio Miletta: In realtà no, ma so benissimo che dovrò accettare questa come risposta perché non aggiungerai dettagli. Mi limiterò a vedere cosa succederà ad Anniversary. Antonio Miletta: Not really, but I know full well I'll have to accept this as an answer because you won't add any details. I'll just see what happens at Anniversary. Antonio Miletta: Siamo in chiusura. C'è qualcosa che vuoi dire ai nostri telespettatori e ai fan che vedranno questo video? Antonio Miletta: Time is almost finished. Is there anything you want to say to our viewers and fans who will see this video? Blacksmith: L'arma più potente sulla terra, è l'anima umana.... Blacksmith: The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul.... Blacksmith: Soprattutto se in fiamme... Blacksmith: Mostly if it is on fire... Blacksmith grins mischievously The scene fades...
  10. I wish you a FIERY future, my psycho friend.
  11. December 17, 2011. In an indeterminate Italian school. Principal: Tell me, Matteo. Are you aware of why you are in my office? Are you aware of what you just did? Matteo: Well yeah I know what I did. It was worth it? Yes, I know that too. Principal: Keep your irony to yourself. You are in a serious situation... Principal: You just beat up the councilman's son. Are you crazy? Our school gets a lot of money from that family, now we need to take action! Matteo: He could probably avoid putting my mother in the middle, and start the fight... Matteo: Yet it's only me here... Principal: I'll tell you something, which is also a lesson for life, Matteo. Principal: Sometimes, we are at a disadvantage, and we have to know how to stay in our place... Principal: And if, therefore, it is the son of a well-known councilor who provokes us, while you are only the son of a blacksmith. Well, we simply have to stay in our place, and accept inferiority... Principal: That's how the world works sometimes. Adapt or die. ADAPT OR DIE Matteo: You are right, principal. I'm the son of a blacksmith, and I can't afford to have problems with someone that important, who funds this institution for the most part. Matteo: I beg you to not suspend me. Now I will go outside and apologize to Emanuele and his father. Principal: Glad you got the lesson. Now go. The teenager goes out the door of the principal's office, and finds the two people mentioned a short time before in front of him. Principal: Matteo has to tell you something. Matteo: I'm sorry Emanuele, and I'm sorry councilor. My behavior was unacceptable, and please accept my apologies. Councilor: You needn't worry, Principal. We accept apologies. Unfortunately it's not the boys fault. But of the context in which they grow up. The problem is the parents... growing up in a poor social context, well... it's difficult. Isn't that right, Matteo? Principal: Indeed. Do you want to add something Matteo? Matteo: Yes, thank you. Matteo: There is one more thing I want you to know... Matteo: Emanuele... Matteo: Mr.councilor.... Matteo looks up and lets out a mischievous smile. Matteo: you can go fuck yourself! Principal: ENOUGH! YOU ARE SUSPENDED Matteo: Fine, see you in two weeks. And Emanuele, clean your face. There is still the mark of deez nutz I put on your chin! The boy is forcibly loaded by two janitors and taken out of the school.
  12. FUCK YOU EMP! FUCK YOU CARTER! FUCK YOU AISU! FUCK YOU WRESTLING CLUB!. Ok now, jokes aside. First of all, it will be trivial, but I wanted to say that it was nice to be back to do a match on the weekly shows 1 year later I think. I am aware of the fact that visually the match was not very enjoyable, but I think that is easily to understand that is obviously my fault as I do highly suck on this game, no doubt about it. When I was offered to make this handicap match, I accepted with the idea of ​​getting back into the game and trying to get back into the rhythm step by step, even though I was aware that it would be hard, very hard. I also add that working with pierre and carter is always a pleasure, and I hope to be able to do it again in the future, perhaps having regained the shape a little. They massacred me, as it should be. And honestly this gives me the push to start over, a bit like I already did in 2018 when I approached a game whose dynamics I hardly knew at all. Thanks also to Emp for being available for the RP we did last week.
  13. New York, 23rd May, h.8.00 am A smartly dressed man walks into a newsstand ???: Ciao francè F: Oh guarda chi c'è. Come va con la nuova vita? Il lavoro? ???: Beh non ci si può lamentare. Devo solo abituarmi alla nuova vita d'ufficio. F: Che ti do? Il solito? ???: sì, sì france. Il solito, grazie. While the discussion is taking place, a boy approaches the newsstand. C: Hi, sir. Is there the ocw magazine with everett slippers as a gift? I heard on tv it was available. F: Sure! Is Tony your favorite? C: Not. My favorite is "EL PRIMERO". Parca! But I love these slippers While he is waiting to receive his magazine, the boy takes a look at the stranger next to him. C: Hey wait a moment. These tattoos. I know who you are! ???: You should be a smart kid then.. The stranger, after an annoyed look at the boy, turns back to his friend behind the counter ???: Francesco, passami tutto al volo, che almeno vado a lavoro. C: You are the Last Blacksmith! ???: You wrong... C: I'm not! What are you going to answer to the Kassidy Challenge? Matteo: I don't... wait what? The boy takes the magazine, and opens it on page 7. "Kassidy Hayes challenges the disappeared Blacksmith for a match at Wrestlution 16" Matteo frowns Matteo: You son of a b.... C: So what are you going to do? You won't run away again will you? In the meantime, the boy's father also enters the newsstand D: why are you taking so long? C: DAD! LOOK! THERE IS THE LAST BLACKSMITH! D: The coward? C: YES! Matteo looks at his friend Francesco: B: Fai una cosa, tieniti tutto. Passo più tardi.... D: Hey COWARDSMITH. If you just try to accept the challenge, Kassidy will destroy you. Like Derek did. Do you know that? A grimace of suffering appears on Matteo's face. M: I'm not the Last Blacksmith anymore... and now, if you will, I must go to the office. F:Mi dispiace mattè... M:Fa niente. Fa niente. C & D: "ACCENDI!!! BYE BYE COWARDSMITH" M: you can go fuck yourself
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