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Seth Morrison

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Seth Morrison last won the day on February 22 2016

Seth Morrison had the most liked content!



  • Biography
    Sex, Drugs, and Strippers


  • Location
    Columbus, Ohio


  • Interests
    Kicking ass, and taking names


  • Occupation
    Finance/ Lending


  • Xbox Live GamerTag
    Drunknfury XBGL

Seth Morrison's Achievements


Newb (1/14)



  1. Another Riot and yet another loss for #Jason Voorhees.
  2. You're welcome Sophia, on getting this promo talked about. This was my only intention the entire time.
  3. If I was in that corvette, i would have undoubtedly ran your ass over. Further cementing myself as the best heel Turmoil has.
  4. After reading this I am sure of one thing... Sophia likes anal.
  5. I like how you come in completely different than everyone else. This is how you get noticed. Looking forward to seeing Axton Bravo in the ring.
  6. I take back every nice thing i said about Jackson Hewitt. Fuck that guy.
  7. Sorry for the late response. Tanks opening F-Bomb fest and smoking cigarettes is easily the best character on Turmoil. I love the fact he literally doesnt give a fuck. I mean how can a guy smoke cigarettes and still put on 20 minute matches. Tank must have amazing cardio... LOL I really liked working with Zhivago. I like his look, and in ring skills. He knows he screwed up hitting the finisher too fast, and even apologized after the match. Water under the bridge. I told him to go with another Led Zepp hit as his theme, lets see if he does it. Alot of potential out of this guy. I am digging Loki as well. I liked Joe and Lokis banter and it was pretty comical. I could see something like that work on WWE. Dylan Graves has put alot of work already into OCW and it shows. Rookies, this is how you get noticed. He has been PMing people to work with them, and coming up with fresh new ideas. I like his intro and his look. (although he kinda reminds me of Bo Dallas) I love the DG logo on your shirt. The music also fits. If peoples favorite moment wasnt Bill Ding and his crusty wife beater and "We Built This City" theme, something is wrong with you. Im not sure how long this mark out will last, but i am enjoying the moment. Little sloppy match, but that comes with practice. Sid/Bray - Great match by these two guys. I really didnt get the 90s VH1 video and intro. Im sure it had something to do with Seb, but i was a bit confused by this. EDIT: Now i see it was Jimmy. Brilliant!!!! B17/Tank - Great intro and characters like ive said before. Tank, one thing i would recommend is lowering the opacity on your tank tattoo. It looks like a cartoon sticker. The match itself was okay. I saw a couple of FPR breaks, but B17 pulls it out because Tank wont buy a goddamn nicorette patch and stop smoking! Jimmy/JAckson - I love the album art from Jimmy. Not sure how i feel about his actual entrance song though. Jackson looks like a legitimate badass. Love the "Bury me with my guns on" as entrance music. Definitely fits. Very entertaining match. Had a good pace and was back and forth. Came down to the wire but jimmy pulled it off. Overall it was a decent showing. Im glad more guys are joining and getting involved. Extremely disappointing that Kassady didnt submit any content. I understand you werent booked. But at least type out a two paragraph roleplay. You are carrying the belt that represents this show. You need to not only be good at the sticks but be good at building hype and prestige around it. Make people interested in what youre doing. Thats how youll become a good champ.
  8. Well, that fucking fixed things. Smh
  9. Before I put out my entire review, I have to say I marked out for Bill Ding, his intro, and his massive titties. Reminded me of meatloaf in fight club.
  10. http://memecrunch.com/meme/94018/fucking-savage/image.png?w=500&c=1
  11. It's really great to see our champ carrying the show with all the activity on this weeks turmoil.
  12. The night before his debut on “Turmoil”, a restless Joe Zhivago pulls up into an empty parking lot. The rain is hammering down, but he likes the sound it makes as it crashes on the roof of his van. He climbs out, slings his gear bag over his shoulder and walks quickly towards an old single-storey building. A dimly lit sign over the entrance reads “24 Hour Gym”. Joe opens the door and goes inside. The place is deserted, but he can hear music coming from the office behind the desk. He decides not to bother whoever's back there and heads straight for the punching bags in the far corner of room. Before beginning, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a crumpled picture of Seth Morrison’s face and fixes it to one of the bags. Joe Thivago: Ugly bastard, aren't ye Morrison's face scowls menacingly at him, as if he could read Joe's thoughts. He scowls back at him Joe Thivago: You don't frighten me, ye big arsehole. And so Joe begins his training, knowing that tomorrow he faces his first of many challenges in OCW...
  13. I am completely convinced that if Stacy Clark was a real person she would think that OCW was full of rapists, sexists, and virgins.
  14. I'm wondering when the Marvelous one will be able to spell "win" correctly. Maybe that's why you're on a losing streak. :)
  15. Im really looking forward to the KD/AC matchup and the Main Event. Lets see if Drago can pull out the upset.
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